Jeff Ehlers For Idaho


We need you!

Let's work together to share Jeff’s conservative message and get the Republican voters of District 21 to the polls.

Here are a few simple ways you can make a big difference this Election.

Thank you for your continued support!


Every contribution helps our conservative message to be shared with everyone.

Social Media

Stay connected to Jeff!

Click to like, share, comment and follow him on the campaign trail.


Get your Sign

Yard signs will show strong neighborhood support for Jeff throughout District 21.

Signs are ready now!

If your place of business would like a larger sign, please let us know!


Help us ensure that every Republican voter in District 21 learns about Jeff’s vast experience and conservative values.

Volunteer opportunities:

  • Flyer Handouts
  • Texting Supporters
  • Neighborhood Canvassing
  • Sign Drop-offs
  • Calling Voters


Endorsements aren’t just for public figures – if you support Jeff let your friends and neighbors know!

  • Write a letter.
  • Record a video.
  • Post your support on social media.

Spread the word that Jeff is the experienced conservative who is ready to serve in the Idaho House of Representatives.

Sign up and we’ll reach out to help you find the best way to express your public support!

Host a Meet and Greet

Jeff is excited to talk to the voters of District 21!

Inviting friends and neighbors to your home for a campaign event will help Jeff connect with voters, listen to their concerns and share his conservative message.

Sign up to schedule a memorable event!

Sign up Form